Untangling the multiple categorizations of migrants. Intersectional Frameworks and Practices

The prohibition of discrimination starts from the presumption that certain grounds, such as race, religious belief or gender, constitute irrelevant reasons for decision-making or for allocating important social goods. At the same time, it is well recognized that discrimination often occurs on the basis of more than one ground as identities are plural.
Today, little is known regarding how public policies and legislation provide (or should provide) protection to these intersectional identities. This project aims to investigate how these multiple grounds and their intersection shape citizens’ social representations and public discourses. Researchers will devote particular attention to groups with a migrant background insofar as they usually add up several minority markers and are currently at the centre of many public debate.


Laurent Licata
Center for Social and Cultural Psychology (CeSCuP)
Faculty of Psychology and Education


Laura Calabrese (ReSIC, Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication)
Emmanuelle Bribosia (European Law Center, Faculty of Law and Criminology)
Dirk Jacobs (GERME, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences)

Created on September 19, 2018