A major challenge for the University is to make sure that the progress it achieves through its many initiatives persists into the future.

The year dedicated to diversity was a source of inspiration and motivation for many projects and events, which might have otherwise never taken off.

As diversity is a constant struggle, the University must take care to ensure that its accomplishments continue into the future and are not the fragile results of temporary enthusiasm. This is why our university has adopted a staff diversity strategy spanning several years, which will serve as a starting point for many initiatives.

In addition, certain projects launched during the year of diversity will remain active over the next years, and will continue to improve life on campus. These include:
  • an easier enrolment procedure for transgender students,
  • a structure to support victims of sexism and sexual harassment,
  • the Welcome Desk for Refugees,
  • the specialized master in gender studies, and
  • the inter-university certificate in autism spectrum disorders.

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Updated on August 12, 2021