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Esthétique et philosophie du cinéma

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Domnica NASTA (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Content: After a theoretic reminder of the main aesthetic movements (ie cinema of attractions, expressionism, theories of acting in theatre and film) the course approaches cinema in relationship with the different arts having had an influence on its development. The perspective is mainly a diachronic one (evolution of editing techniques, transition from silents to sound, part played by the musical score, birth of narrative polyphony). The leading theoretical thread is to be found in Gilles Deleuze's essay "L'Image Mouvement" (1985) from his two-volume book "Cinéma".

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Goal: Provide the students the historical, philosophical and aesthetic fundamentals for studying film in the general context of visual and theatrical arts.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Teaching Method: Detailed analyses of film clips on dvd/video/retroprojection and handouts distributed

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Biblio: 1. J.Aumont, A.Bergala, M.Marie, M.Vernet, "Esthétique du film" (Paris: Nathan, voir réedition) 2. D.Bordwell & K.Thompson, "Film Art An Introduction" (McGraw & Hill, 2005) 3. D.Nasta, "Meaning in Film-Relevant Structures in Soundtrack and Narrative" (Berne: Peter Lang, 1991) 4. Gilles Deleuze Cinéma 1 et 2 ( Paris, Minuit, 1985) : 1. L'image-temps/2. L'image-mouvement

Other information


ELICIT (CP/175) Avenue F.D.Roosvelt, 50 B- 1050 Bruxelles Tel. : 32 (2) 650 42 39 - 42 40 Fax : 32 (2) 650 41 77 E-mail : dnasta@ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Assessment: Written essay (partial exam) followed by written exam (January)
