Interunivesity Certificate in Algology

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Interunivesity Certificate in Algology
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Centre de Formation Continue en Santé et Sciences de la vie
    • Faculty of Medicine
  • Title type
    formation continue
  • Open to returning students
  • Schedule type
  • Programme duration
    long (more than 15 days)
  • Campus

    In a domaine in Spa

  • Category / Topic
    Health - Medical sciences
  • Exam board – additional information
    ULB HeLSci

    KU Leuven
    +32 16 33 84 53



General information

Title type

formation continue

Programme duration

long (more than 15 days)

Schedule type



In a domaine in Spa

Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Health - Medical sciences

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies) Placement


Open to returning students


Registration fee

4.500,00 € for the 2 years

More information:

Formation continue

Steering committee

  • Anne Berquin (UCLouvain)
  • Guy Hans (UAntwerpen)
  • Jacques Devulder (UGent)
  • M.E. Faymonville (ULG)
  • Milica Matic (representative of VUB)
  • Bart Morlion (KU Leuven)
  • Philippe Voordecker (representative of ULB)


+32 2 555 85 17

Welcome to the homepage of the Interuniversity certificate in algology.You will find all the information on the programme as well as the application and selection procedures on the KU Leuven website.

Partner universities



  • The general objective of the education in Algology is to educate qualified specialists in the control of pain in its widest sense.
  • During this postgraduate education the physician gains the necessary scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to provide an excellent patientcare to patients with complex pain-issues.
  • The student gains a profound insight in complex forms of acute, subacute and chronic pain. The student has to develop additional communicative, social, technical and manual skills to evaluate patients on a multidisciplinary level and to function in a multidisciplinary team. In addition, the student has to be able to apply his own specific expertise from previous specialized education in a multimodal treatment plan.
  • The content of the education is organized based on the CanMEDS competence-domain: physician, scientist, communicator.

The internship of 3 months has to be completed in one of the 35 official pain centers in Belgium, under supervision of the coordinating medical supervisor of the academic multidisciplinary pain center.


Each year the students will spend 5,5 days on a domaine in Spa, during which they will participate to lessons and workshops from morning till evening.

An education in the treatment of pain is often obliged when applying for work in hospitals and pain centers.

Calendar & registration

Target audience

Students holding one of the following degrees issued by a university of the French-Speaking Community

  • Master en Médecine, enrolled in a ‘programme de spécialisation (hors médecine générale)’
  • Holder of a ‘diplôme de spécialiste (sauf médecine générale)’

Students holding one of the following degrees issued by a university of the Flemish Community

  • Master of Medicine in de geneeskunde, on condition that they are enrolled in the master programme of Master of Medicine in de specialistische geneeskunde
  • Master of Medicine in de geneeskunde, who have a certificate of acceptance as determined by the KB of 1999.
  • Master of Medicine in de specialistische geneeskunde

For specialists in training: priority will be given to assistants who are in the last or second last year of their specialization at the moment of registration.

Calendar & registration

If you wish to enroll for the Intenuniversity certificate in algology, please follow these steps.
  • Step 1: first registration
    • Send your CV and the name of the university at which you would like to enroll to the algology e-mail address.
    • It is only possible to enroll at the KU Leuven, VUB, UCLouvain, Uantwerpen and UGent.
    • The steering committee will approve/reject your application on the basis of your CV.
  • Step 2: enrollment at the university of your choic
    • After your application has been approved, you will receive more information on the enrollment procedure of the university of your choice by mail.

The Interuniversity certificate in algology constitutes a 2 year full-time training programme and is organized every 2 year.
The application deadline for 2020-2022 is 3 September 2020.

Additional information


The ‘Interuniversity certificate in algology’ is a joint initiative of the UAntwerpen, UGent, UCL, VUB, ULG, KU Leuven and ULB. It is a 2-year course (40 CP) and consists out of 5 course units:

  • Advanced studies in algology part 1 (October 22nd - 26th 2018)
  • Advanced studies in algology part 2 (October 21st - 25th 2019)
  • Clinical internship 1 in a recognized pain center (1,5 month)
  • Clinical internship 2 in a recognized pain center (1,5 month)
  • Capita selecta
More information: