Certificat inter universités en valorisation de la biomasse

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Certificat inter universités en valorisation de la biomasse
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Centre de formation continue en Technologies et en Sciences
    • Brussels School of Engineering
  • Title type
    formation continue
  • Open to returning students
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
    english / french
  • Programme duration
    long (more than 15 days)
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Engineering sciences/Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics/Sciences and technics - Agronomy and bioengineering



General information

Title type

formation continue

Programme duration

long (more than 15 days)

Learning language(s)

english / french

Schedule type


Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Engineering sciences/Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics/Sciences and technics - Agronomy and bioengineering

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies) Open to returning students


Price table

Full price: 1500 €
Unemployed price (limited places): 995 €
Student price (limited places): 495 €

Formation continue

Acdemic leaders & speakers

  • Professor Frédéric DEBASTE (ULB)
  • Professor Aurore RICHEL (ULiège)
  • Professor David CANNELLA (ULB)
  • Professor Amin SHAVANDI (ULB)


Contacts: techsci@ulb.be

Dates to remember!

June 23, 2023: Introduction Day, in person

Summer 2023: 2 or 3 company visits

Summer 2023: access to a few MOOCS introductions to prepare

September 1st 2023: 1st course

Fridays afternoons for one year + distance learning courses (online MOOCS)

Next dates to come

Financial aid (grants, training vouchers, etc.)

Training in procedure to obtain paid educational leave (to be confirmed)



Acquire the technical, regulatory and economic concepts necessary to design and implement a territorial residual biomass treatment system and make it evolve. This training will allow you to identify the most efficient ways to valorize biomass treatments, based on in-depth knowledge of scientific principles and existing technologies.


June 23, 2023: Introduction Day, in person
Summer 2023: 2 or 3 company visits
Summer 2023: access to a few MOOCS introductions to prepare

September 1st 2023: 1st course

Fridays afternoons for one year + distance learning courses (online MOOCS)

Next dates to come

  • Presential courses by academic experts
  • Online MOOCs
  • Seminars by experts and industry partners
  • Personal project in biomass
  • Laboratory visits

Calendar & registration


Admissions are based on file applications. Candidates must present a certificate of successful completion of a first cycle degree in Science and/or Technology, and preferably also a certificate of successful completion of a second cycle degree in Science and/or Technology. Candidates holding other diplomas may apply for a VAE and will have their application examined on a case-by-case basis by the scientific committee.

A passive knowledge in English

Target audience

For all people, scientists, entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, experts or others, who are interested in the processing of biomass from forests, parks, gardens, agricultural and food sector, industrial activities such as chemistry, paper and textile industry…

Calendar & registration

Additional information

Biomass is renewable organic material from plants and animals. By processing and valuing biomass from agricultural industry, parks, gardens, households, the food industry and others… a part of the chemical energy of the sun stored in this biomass can be recovered. The biomass can then be burned directly as an energy source or converted into liquid and gaseous renewable fuels. Biomass continues to be an important fuel in many countries.

The scientific and technical approach of this training will be completed by the economic and ecological interest of the valorization of biomass. All this information will allow the participants to highlight the advantages for companies to produce secondary materials and energy using the biomass available to them.

The objective of the training is to give the participants the technical, regulatory and economic concepts to design and implement a territorial waste biomass treatment of residual biomass and to make it evolve. Finally, this training should allow participants to identify the most efficient ways of valorization for biomass treatments, based on the in-depth knowledge of the scientific principles and existing technologies.



Module 1

Introduction: Opportunities in the field of biomass valorization.

Module 2

Technological approaches of characterization and transformation of biomass.

Module 3

Industrialized applications of the biomass valorization throughout the world.

Module 4

Research and advanced technologies for the sustainable valorization of biomass.

Module 5

Valorization projects in Belgium: local support channels.

93 hours of combined classes, seminars, workshops & laboratory visits.

210 hours of personal work: individual projects and study hours.

The speakers

Fréderic Debaste; Aurore Richel; David Cannella; Amin Schavandi


Courses in French & English. Examinations and reports in French / English.