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Histoire de l'Afrique

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Olivier GOSSELAIN (Coordinator) and Amandine LAURO

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The following topics will be considered: what is at stake in the study of contemporary African history; useful sources: nature, relevance, limitations; urbanization; trade and cultural influence; discoveries and exploration of Africa by Europeans; slave trade; pre-colonial states: (e.g. Ghana, Mali, Macina, Kongo, Rwanda); the partition of Africa. Colonial states; decolonization; some modern states; Africa in the world (e.g.Rastafarism, Malcolm X and the Black Panters, Panafricanism, Afro-pessimism)

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

To provide an overview of African history, from North to South. Periods and processes for which different types of sources could be used will be emphasized. The main goal is to show the richeness and the diversity of African history and how it sheds light on contemporary African realities and on Africa’s relationships with other continents.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lecture with PowerPoint, movies: for example: "Mobutu, king of Zaire"

Other information


Pierre de Maret : Pierre.de.Maret@ulb.ac.be ; tél. 02/650.34.12 Olivier Gosselain : olivier.gosselain@ulb.ac.be ; tél. 02/650.43.38 Valérie Piette: vpiette@ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


written evaluation in January
