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Radioecology and environmental radioactivity monitoring

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Nicolas PAULY (Coordinator) and Geert BIERMANS

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Notions of nuclear physics, effetcs of ionizing radiations on living being, atmospheric, aquatic, and terrestrial transfers of radioactive wastes, transfer in the food chain, modelling of these transfers, prevention and counermeasures (in the short-, mean- and long-term), sampling methods and measurement of external radiological exposure.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Notions essential for the understanding and for the modelling of the behaviour and of the transfer of radioactive waste in environment, of the effets of ionizing radiations on the living organisms and of the associated risks.Description of the methods of sampling, of measurement of the external radiological exposure and of the contamination in environment.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures + practical exercices

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Van Der Stricht, E & R Kirschmann Eds. Radioecology : Radioactivity and Ecosystems, Fortemps 2001 (ISBN 2-9600316-0-1)Pöschl M. & Nollet L.M.L. Eds. Radionuclide concentrations in food and the environment, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Pub. 2007 (ISBN 0-8493-3594-9)Eisenbud M. Environmental radioactivity from natural, industrial and military sources (3rd Ed), Academic Press 1987 1991. (ISBN 0-12-235153-3)Kathren R.L. Radioactivity in the enviroment: sources, distribution and surveillance, Harwood Academic Pub. (ISBN 3-7186-0532-5)Till J.E. & Grogan H.A. Eds. Radiological risk assessment and environmental analysis, Oxford University Press 2008. (ISBN 978-0-19-512727-0)

Other information


C. Vandecasteele (02/289.20.68 - christian.vandecasteele@fanc.fgov.be)N. Pauly (02/650.20.83 - nipauly@ulb.ac.be)


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Oral examination (about 45 minutes)

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
