Bridging knowledge tBe-Paradiso the field: an evaluation of the agronomic and socio-economic potential of Robusta coffee genetic resources as a cash crop in the Congo Basin.

Coffee is an essential cash crop for small producers in the South and an important commodity in the world. Ecology, climate change, biodiversity, soil fertility and livelihood options influence the economics of coffee production.

This project aims to assess the agronomic and socio-economic potential of Robusta coffee's genetic resources as a cash crop in the Congo Basin.

The interdisciplinary project will produce advice for the re-launch of sustainable Robusta coffee production in the province of Tshopo (DR Congo); the conservation of Congolese genetic diversity in the wild genetic resources of Coffea canephora and its wild relatives; and the development of a local and sustainable economy in a global context.

Although this project focuses on the Congo Basin and the province of Tshopo, the project will contribute to broader coffee-related challenges.

Coordinator :  APM       
Promotors : AGR-ARA, MRAC-KMMA, KULeuven, Université libre de Bruxelles - Caroline Stévigny, Cédric Delporte et Florence Souard

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Created on January 27, 2021