This research project is funded by an ERC Starting Grant (2009) and is led by Frédéric Bourgeois

A former researcher at ULB’s Faculty of Sciences, Frédéric Bourgeois has been studying symplectic geometry since he completed his PhD thesis at Stanford University. A specialised branch of differential geometry, symplectic geometry is the study of geometric spaces that feature contact structures (rather than, e.g. distances and angles as is the case in Euclidean geometry). This is, for instance, the case of geometrical optics. In addition to its key role in mathematics, symplectic geometry is relevant to the work of many physicists and engineers.
The project that has received an ERC grant deals with remarkable and important objects in contact geometry (equivalent to wavefronts in optics): Legendrian subvarieties. More specifically, Frédéric Bourgeois will study two sophisticated invariants for Legendrian subvarieties: Legendrian contact homology and generating families homology.

This project is finished

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 239781).

Created on August 9, 2018