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ERC research project: IASI-FT - Cathy Clerbaux
IASI-FT is an Advanced Grant ERC research project (2017), led by Cathy Clerbaux (Quantum Chemistry and Photophysics, Faculty of Sciences)
Cathy Clerbaux is a guest professor at the quantum and photophysical chemistry department (Faculty of Sciences) and a research supervisor at CRNS (France). Her project, IASI-FT (IASI - Flux and Temperature), of which ULB is a co-beneficiary, aims to detect indicators of climate change based on hyperspectral data collected by satellites.
IASI’s satellite MetOp, placed in orbit a decade ago, has already provided billions of data points that will be processed using a combination of advanced statistical techniques and big data analytics, in order to extract new information on climate variables that are important but difficult to measure accurately from space: radiative fluxes, aerosols, temperatures, and ozone concentrations. The goal of the project is to better understand the natural variability of these measures and identify which ones can be linked to climate change.
For more information on the IASI mission, see the video below (in French).
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 742909).