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Approche logique des langues naturelles

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Philippe KREUTZ (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The course first introduces to the semantics problems of modal sentences. Then, it introduces to the kripkean-style semantics for handling modalities. The usual K, D, T, S4, S5 are explored. Epistemic logics and some of their applications are reviewed. Deontic contexts and conditionals (and how to cope with them formally) are also considered.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

This course intends students to be able to cope (conceptually and formally) with a wide range of technical papers on natural languages semantics.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Several papers (previously read by the students and the teacher) are commented and critically assessed.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Hughes, G. E. & Cresswell, M. J. (1996), A New Introduction to Modal Logic", London/New York, Routledge. Nute, D. (1980), Topics in Conditional Logics.

Other information


E-mail : pkreutz@ulb.ac.be Permanence : mercredi de 14h à 17h, local Ay.2.103 Tél. 02/650.45.08


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Students are required to write and present a paper on any topic relevant to the logical approach to modalities.
