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Mathématiques 1

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Dimitri LEEMANS (Coordinator), Michele D'ADDERIO and Bruno PREMOSELLI

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The main chapters are the following:Fonctions over the reals.Trigonometry.The line, the plane, the space.Analytical geometry and vectorial geometryFonctions with vectorial valuesMatricesReal functions with several variablesMultiple integralsVectorial analysisDifferential equationsComplex numbersSeries and sequences of numbersLinear algebraDynamical systemsThe course might differ slightly depending on the section.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

This course must provide the mastery of mathematical tools the student will need during his studies and future life.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Courses requiring this course

Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

Course ex-cathedra with tutorial sessions directed by teaching assistants.

Contribution to the teaching profile

Acquire and use a knowledge.Get used to the fundamental concepts in mathematics.Master the principles of logic reasoning and be capable of producing a mathematical reasoning.Understand the specificities of scientific reasoning and apply it.Understand the criteria of rigour, a reasoning, and techniques of proofs.Uniderstand how a concept emerges from examples and observations.Communicate.Use a clear and rigorous language.Ethics in relation with society.Learn self-criticism on the validity of a reasoning.


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Non-mandatory evaluation end of October for the faculty of sciences.Written exam in January (dispensatory of the material of the first semester), in June and in September.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)


The course Mathf112 is divided in two units (UA) that each have a partial mark: these two partial marks are called respectively "Q1 Mark" and "Q2 Mark". To succeed for the UE of Mathf112 one has to get at least 8/20 on the Q1 Mark and 7/20 on the Q2 Mark. The final mark is obtained by weighting the Q1 and Q2 Marks according to the following rules:

  • For the BA1 GEOL/GEOG: the mark of the UE consists in 13 points for the Q1 Mark and 7 points for the Q2 Mark

  • For all other sections: the mark of the UE consists in 10 pints for the Q1 Mark and 10 points for the Q2 Mark


The January exam is the same for all sections. The mark obtained after that exam is the "Q1 Mark".


The exam is in two parts whose duration vary depending on the section (see below). The first exam is on the Q1: it is an opportunity to better the Q1 Mark. All the students have the right to sit the Q1 Exam in June, independently of the Q1 Mark (even if it was greater than or equal to 10/20), simply by sitting the exam. In that case, the mark obtained in June replaced the Q1 Mark, even if the Q1 Mark was better. The second exam is on the Q2, specific to each section. The mark obtained is the the "Q2 Mark".


If the final mark of the UE is greater than or equal to 10/20 after the June exam, the course is validated and the student is not authorized to sit the exam in the August session.

Else, the student is authorized to sit the exam after enrolling at the secretary of the Faculty of Sciences. The august session of Mathf112 is similar to the June session: two exams one for each quarter. Students are free to sit all or parts of the exam. As for the june session, if they sit a part they already had a mark for, that mark is forgotten no matter how much they get in August.
