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Emploi, inégalités et protection sociale

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Isil ERDINC (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

This course focuses on the characteristics and evolution of social policies, the origins and development of social policies, the changing sectoral policies (policies of employment, social assistance, child care, aging) ; the emergence of social policies in Belgium and Europe (activation policies, policies for the city, social treatment of unemployment and exclusion).

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

This course gives an overview on main topics of social politics.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Ex cathedra; study cases

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

CASTEL R., 1995, Les métamorphoses de la question sociale. Une chronique du salariat, Ed. Fayard, Paris. EWALD, F., 1986, L?Etat-providence, Ed. Grasset, Paris. HAMZAOUI M., Le travail social territorialisé, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, coll. "sociologie du travail", 2002. HAMZAOUI M., El Trabajo Social Territorializado : Las transformaciones de la accion publica en la intervencion social (tr. Fina Fombuena, prologo y edicion Joan Lacomba), Ed. Presses Universitat de Valencia (PUV), coll. Trabajo Social, 2005. JOINT-LAMBERT M-Th. et al., Politiques sociales, 2e édition, Presses de Sciences PO et Dalloz, 1997. LEVY, C, Vivre au minimum, Ed. La dispute, 2003.

Other information


TEL: 02/650 45 85 Institut des Sciences du travail, Bât.P 4, 2ème étage


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


