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Théorie du travail social

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Pierre Brasseur (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The course consists of three sections.

The first section addresses theoretical and epistemological aspects of the social work as well as the place of the discipline among social sciences. The course defines the concept of social work and examines the challenges of knowledge and the debates that social work has faced since the 1980's (culture of “practicity”, universal knowledge vs situated knowledge, institutionalization of a science) and of the development of a specific research area.

The second section deals with the main transformations of public authorities intervention and organisation of social work. It analyses the bases of the Welfare State set up after the World War II and the impact of neoliberal policies on industrial relations, on the rationalization of social work and on public authorities approach (territorial and managerial approach).

The third section recalls the historical evolution of the social work including the social construction of social issues as well as the strategies of social workers and the evolution of professions. The course concludes on example of foreign approaches of social work in Europe and North America.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The aim of the course is to analyse, on the one hand, social policies and public authorities intervention and, on the other hand, activities and practices of social workers.

The course must help students both to seize the complexity of social issues of social groups who are the object of social policies, and to understand the strategies of social workers set up to integrate the most weakened social groups.

Teaching methods and learning activities

ex-cathedra course

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Astier I. (2007) Les nouvelles règles du social, Paris, PUF, Coll. Le Lien social.

Autès M. (1999) Les paradoxes du travail social, Paris, Dunod.

Ballain R., Glasman D. et Raymond R. (2005), Entre protection et compassion. Des politiques publiques travaillées par la question sociale (1980-2005), Grenoble, PUG.

Castel R. (1995) Les métamorphoses de la question sociale. Une chronique du salariat, Paris, Fayard.

Chauvière M. (2004) Le travail social dans l’action sociale. Sociologie d’une qualification controversée, Paris, Dunod.

Chopart J.-N. (1997) Le travail social à l’épreuve du libéralisme, in De Ridder G. (sld) Les nouvelles frontières de l’intervention sociale, Paris, L’Harmattan, collection Logiques sociales.

Curie R. (2010) Le travail social à l’épreuve du néolibéralisme. Entre résignation et résistance, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Dartiguenave J-Y., Garnier J-F. (2011) Les conditions épistémologiques à l’élaboration d’une sociologie du travail social, Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 42-1, p. 77-95.

Donzelot J., Roman J. (1998) A quoi sert le travail social ? 1972-1998 : les nouvelles donnes du social » Esprit, n°241, Mars-Avril.

Ewald F. (1986) Histoire de l’État providence, Paris, Grasset.

Fassin E., Fassin D. (2006) De la question sociale à la question raciale ? Représenter la société française, Paris, La Découverte.

Hamzaoui M. (2002) Le travail social territorialisé, Bruxelles, PUB.

Hamzaoui M. (2002) Le travail social territorialisé, Bruxelles, PUB.

Ion J. (1998) Le travail social au singulier, Paris, Dunod.

Karsz Saül (2004) Pourquoi le travail social ?, Paris, Dunod.

Mondolfo P. (1996) Repenser l’action sociale, Paris, Dunod.

Rosanvallon P. (1995) La nouvelle question sociale. Repenser l’État Providence, Paris, Le Seuil.

Sanchez-Mazas M., Tschopp F. (2010) (sld), La rationalisation des métiers du social, Les politiques sociales, n°1-2.

Vergne M-L. (2002) Le travail social au cœur des paradoxes, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Other information


Institut de sociologie

Avenue Jeanne 44

1050 Bruxelles

13è étage, bureau S13 109



Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination

written examination

Written examination

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
