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Mobilisations, genre et identités professionnelles

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Pierre Brasseur (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The course includes four sections:

The first one examines the genesis and the evolution of different concepts: development, local development, social development and local social development (LSD). It analyses the various approaches of the local development set up in rural and urban areas and the social and economic issues that these DSL projects raised.

The second section addresses the concept of territory through the State reform process with the decentralisation of public policies and through the territorialisation of social policies. It deals in particular with the evolution of big cities policy and social cohesion policy in Brussels and in Wallonia.

The third section examines the principles and the objectives of local social development, the actors involved and their strategies, as well as the obstacles met for their implementation. The analysis emphasises on the citizens’ participation in these projects.

The fourth section scrutinises existing local social development projects developed within the framework of “Les contrats de quartiers” and “Les contrats durables de quartiers” in Brussels.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The course deals with the local dynamics of actors present on the same territory and who are devoted to the satisfaction of social needs (employment, housing, health, etc) for the population of this territory.

The course aims at, first, deconstructing the concept of local social development (LSD) and examining the theories about it. Second, it aims at analyzing LSD experiences implemented in the framework of urban policies and social cohesion policies in Wallonia and in Brussels.

The course will help students to develop a critical approach of LSD project in examining their impacts (positive/negative), their limits, their unexpected even perverse effects; in underlining the inconsistencies and in suggesting possible improvements of the project examined.

Teaching methods and learning activities

ex-cathedra course, case studies, presentatio of a social worker experience.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Autès M. (1991) Le territoire, un nouveau mode de gestion des populations, in Collectif, Le RMI à l’épreuve des faits, Paris, Syros-Alternatives.

Bernoux J-F. (2002) Mettre en oeuvre le développement social territorial : Méthodologie, outils, pratiques, Paris, Dunod.

Besson G. (2008) Le développement social local. Significations, complexité et exigences, Paris, L’Harmattan.

Comhaire G., Sacco M. (2010) Le « tournant » socioéconomique des Contrats de quartier, L’Année sociale 2007, Institut de sociologie, janvier, p. 115-133.

Denieuil P-N., Laaroussi H. (2005) Le développement social local et la question des territoires, Paris, L’Harmattan, Coll. Logiques sociales.

Donzelot J. Mevel C., Wyvekens A. (2003) Faire société. La politique de la ville aux Etats-Unis et en France, Paris, Seuil.

Germain A., Estèbe P. (2004) Présentation : Le territoire, instrument providentiel de l’État social, Lien social et Politiques, n°52, 5-10.

Gourvil J-M., Kaiser M. (2008) Se former au développement social local, Paris, Dunod.

Graven J-L., Berne A-C., Nové-Josserand P. (2008) Pédagogie du développement social. Faire cause commune, Paris, Chronique Sociale.

Hamzaoui M. (2002) Le travail social territorialisé, Bruxelles, PUB.

Hamzaoui M. (2003) La politique sociale différenciée et territorialisée : activation ou ébranlement du social ?, Travail-Emploi-Formation, n°4, p. 11-25.

Ion J. (1990) Le travail social à l’épreuve du territoire, Toulouse, Privat.

Mansanti D. (2005) Le développement social local : une catégorie au service du changement, Recherches et Prévisions, n°81, septembre.

Masson G., Mengin J. (1989) Guide du développement local et du développement social, Paris. L’Harmattan, collection Logiques sociales.

Thauriale T. (2002) Travail social et territoire. Entre souci d’efficacité et aggiornamento politique, Informations sociales, CNAF, n° 10.

Valarie P. (1986) Les nouveaux territoires du social : de la militance à la gestion », Les Cahiers de la Recherche en Travail social, n° 10.

Other information


Institut de sociologie

Avenue Jeanne 44

1050 Bruxelles

13th floor, room S13 109



Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


On the basis of a detailed guide, students must write a report of 15 pages maximum that consists in a deep analysis of a local social development project implemented in Charleroi or in the close area. The continuous assessment (work in progress) implies that there is not a second examination session.

The marks is on 20 points and will assess the student ability to summarize a local social development project (LSD), to analyse a LSD in identifying the strong and the weak points, to criticize it and to suggest feasible changes, to integrate theoretical notions seen in the course and to write a report respecting the set of instructions provided.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
