ForEFront is a Consolidator Grant ERC project (2013) led by Samuel Fiorini (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences)

  Samuel Fiorini is studying the theory of complexity, at the interface between mathematics and computer science. The key issue of this theory is P vs. NP. We already have an efficient algorithm enabling us to solve P problems.
On the other hand, NP problems require rapidly growing computation time. The P vs. NP issue involves using mathematics to demonstrate that all problems in NP are also in P, or conversely that P and NP are different, which would mean that for a great number of problems any algorithm would have to resort to an exhaustive search to find an optimal solution, resulting in prohibitively long computation time. Samuel Fiorini is using a geometric approach to study the theory of complexity. His project is called ForEFront, Frontiers of Extended Formulations.
End of the project: 31/08/2019

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 615640).

Created on August 9, 2018