TopoCold is a Starting Grant ERC project (2016), led by Nathan Goldman (Physics of Complex Systems and Statistical Mechanics, Faculty of Sciences)

Nathan Goldman has gained an ERC Starting Grant for his project on quantum physics. The project will be looking at the topological phases of matter, a field at the intersection of mathematics and technological applications. The aim of the project is to exploit the properties of ultra-cold gases (atoms trapped and artificially manipulated by light) and to identify the topological properties specific to these atomic clouds. The researcher and his team will be developing theoretical tools allowing not just the identification of these signatures in the lab, but also the manipulation of new phases of matter accessible at very low temperatures (close to absolute zero).

End of the project: 30/09/2022

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 716908).

Created on August 9, 2018