Backed by the Institut bruxellois pour la recherche scientifique (Innoviris), the Co-Création (Co-Create) program is founded on participative research and societal innovation about urban resilience.

Co-Création (Co-Create) supports three-years projects proposing societal innovations that adress Brussels' challenges.

Current projects at ULB :
Call 2019


Citoyens pour la Dépollution des Sols.

Call 2018

Voisins d'Énergie

The Voisins d’énergie project (‘Energy Neighbours’) brings together residents of a neighbourhood in order to produce energy and consume as much of their own production as possible.
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Call 2017


Project CAMIM is focused on support services for migrants in the Brussels-Capital Region, and on the sustainable integration of migrants in Brussels.
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Project VALUEBUGS aims to develop a composting method based on larvae from the black soldier fly: this protein-rich insect could be fed to urban livestock (e.g. chicken and fish), recreating a food chain within the city.
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Call 2016

(E)Change Bruxelles

Citizen-led project (E)Change Bruxelles aims to create and support a wide range of innovative tools that will contribute to building a sustainable and solidarity-based economy.
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Updated on December 14, 2020