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Les chercheur·ses de l'ULB participent à différents grands programmes internationaux, comme coordinateurs ou partenaires de projets de recherche ou comme experts.
Ces programmes se rajoutent à ceux des programmes de la Commission Européenne.
Ces programmes se rajoutent à ceux des programmes de la Commission Européenne.
- European Space Agency (ESA)
Site officiel de l'ESA
Projets en cours :
Lieven Clarisse
- FORUM L2: Minutes of Forum L2 Spectral Fluxes (L2-SF) Breadboard Processor (2024-2025)
- GMVAD World-Emission (2022-2024)
- DINAR (2022-2024)
Sébastien Clesse
Sciences- BESE: Belgium Euclid Science Exploitation (2024-2026)
Pierre-François Coheur
Sciences- HIRS2 (2024-2026)
- EVAPORATION (2024-2025)
- Ozone CCI+ (2019-2024)
Pierre Colinet
Polytechnique- EVAPORATION (2024-2025)
- OSIP Electrolysis (2023-2025)
Pierre Gaspard
Sciences- Crystallo: Influence of mass transport and surface growth processes on protein crystal perfection (2021-2024)
Patrick Hendrick
Polytechnique- HYGUANE: Development & Qualification of a H2 electricity generator and its related test benches (2023-2026)
Carlo Iorio
Polytechnique- Evaporation (2022-2025)
- 3DBio (2023-2025)
- Heat Transfer (2024-2025)
- OSIP: In Space demonstration of 3D bio-printed vascularisation techniques/Passive Protective Shields (2021-2025)
Alain Jorissen
Sciences- GAIA: Gaia mission Belgian consolidation (2023-2025)
Benoît Scheid
Polytechnique- TAMTAM (2023-2024)
Karine Van Doninck
Sciences- Rise II: Bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga: a new eukaryotic extremophile model organism to study the impact of radiation and micro-gravity on biological processes (2024-2025)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Site officiel du NIH
Projets en cours :
Decio Eirizik
Médecine- Implications of Changes in Islet Exosomal Cargo in Type 1 Diabetes (2022-2026)
- Generation of new anti-FXYD2a probes and preclinical validation for human beta cell imaging (2022-2025)
- The rector and visitors of the University of Virginia (2022-2025)
Arnaud Marchant
Médecine- MADI: Maternal determinants of infant immunity (2019-2026)
Carine Truyens
Médecine- Development of Improved Serological Diagnostic and Parasite Genotyping Tools for Congeni (2022-2025)
Carine Van Lint
Médecine- Erase-HIV (2022-2025)
- Fondations
Projets en cours :
Jean-Paul Belgrado
Sciences de la Motricité humaine- Lipedema
- "Batolisa" (2022-2025)
Axel Cleeremans
Psychologie- Templeton World Charity
- "HOTTEST": Empirical tests of higher-order therories of consciousness (2023-2026)
Miriam Cnop
Médecine- Helmsley Charitable Trust
- "Studying the selective β cell sensitivity to a homozygous PD-L1 mutation in neonatal diabetes" (2024-2025)
- "Studying the selective β cell sensitivity to a homozygous PD-L1 mutation in neonatal diabetes" (2024-2025)
Decio Eizirik
Médecine- Helmsley Charitable Trust
- "Generation of new anti-FXYD2γa probes and preclinical validation for human beta cell imaging" (2022-2025)
- Breaththrough T1D (anciennement JDRF)
- "Benaroya" (2024-2026)
- "LRH-1/NR5A2-mediated immune coupled islet remodelling: A wound healing disease modifying therapeutic approach for type 1 diabetes mellitus" (2023-2025)
- "The central role for NLRC5 in the dialog between β-cells and the immune system in type 1 diabetes" (2022-2025)
Cédric Govaerts
Sciences- Cystic Fibrosis
- "The CFTR Folding and Function SRC" (2021-2025)
Esteban Gurzov
Médecine- Breaththrough T1D (anciennement JDRF)
- "Oxidative stress-induced dysregulation of protein tyrosine phosphatases contributes to beta cell demise in type 1 diabetes" (2019-2025)
- "Smart Islets" (2024-2026)
- "Inhibition of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases provides a novel strategy for the treatment of diabetes" (2024-2026)
Mariana Igoillo-Esteve
Médecine- FFRD
- "Étude de l’impact de la fragmentation des ARNt et la diminution en la méthylation m6A induite par une carence en TRMT10A sur pathogenèse du diabète de type 1" (2021-2025)
- "Impact de la fragmentation des ARNt" (2022-2025)
Ognyan Oreshkov
Polytechnique- John Templeton
- "QISS 2" (2022-2025)
- Lipedema
- Autres
Projets en cours :
Manon Bayat
Sciences- Antarctic Science Bursary
- (2024-2025)
Fabienne Chetail
Psychologie, Sciences de l’Education et Logopédie- LMU University Hospital
- Cognitive processes in reading across languages (2023-2026)
Stéphane Clemmen
Sciences- FWO: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- BeQnNet: Belgian Quantum Communication Testbed Network (2022-2026)
Miriam Cnop
Médecine- SFD: Société francophone du diabète
- BeCoop: Coopération des cellules β et endothéliales humaines dans les organoïdes d'îlots de Langerhans (2024-2026)
Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Sciences- France Filière Pêche
- ESCAPE (2022-2028)
David Domingo
Lettres, Traduction et Communication- EFJ: European Federation of Journalists
- MCDA 4: Media Councils in the Digital Age (2023-2025)
Denis Fournier
Sciences- Forest Research
- Genomics of the invastion of the forest pest bark beetle Ips typographys - Introduction routes, genes under selection, and transposable elements (2024-2026)
François Fripiat
Sciences- HFSPO: International Human Frontier Science Program Organization
- Trapped in ice (2024-2027)
Marius Gilbert
Médecine- USAID: United States Agency for International Development
- Stop Spillover Project (2021-2025)
Cédric Govaerts
Sciences- Cystic Fibrosis
- The CFTR Folding and Function SRC (2021-2025)
Jean-Claude Grégoire
Sciences- Forest Research
- Aerial dispersal of Ips typographus over the English Channel: empirical validation for modeling and risk assessment (2024-2026)
Olivier Hardy
Sciences- MBG: Missouri Botanical Garden
- Key Biodiveresity Areas-Establishing a blueprint for 30x30 (2023-2025)
Arnaud Marchant
Médecine- CEPI: Coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations
- Controlled Human Infection Models on SARS-CoV 2 and seasonal beta coronaviruses (2024-2029)
Frank Pattyn
Sciences- NWO: The Dutch Research Council
- HIRISE: State and fate of Antartica's gatekeepers: a High Resolution approach for Ice Shelf instalbility (2020-2025)
- Norsk Polarinstitutt
- Characterizing Oldest Ice in Dome Fuji near the base of the Antartic Ice Sheet (2021-2026)
Julien Pieret
Droit et criminologie- CRSH: Conseil de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines Canadiennes
- LEXIS: Législation, Innovation et Société (2024-2029)
Nicolo Pini
Philosophie et Sciences sociales- The Barakat Trust
- Living in Late Antique rural Sicily, between Byzantium and Islam: Archaeological investigations at Terravecchia di Caltavuturo (Palermo, Italy) (2024-2025)
Bram Vanhoutte
Santé publique- The University of Liverpool
- ESRC: Understanging the varied experiences of frailty in older age with respect to ethnicity: a mixed methods approach (2011-2025)
David Zarka
Sciences de la Motricité humaine- Mind & Life Europe
- Impact of mindfulness on sensorimotor control and learning: does meditation practice improve the integration of proprioceptive information? (2024-2027)
- Antarctic Science Bursary
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Mis à jour le 22 novembre 2024