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Interuniversity Certificate in Humanitarian surgery in austere environments

Interuniversity Certificate in Humanitarian surgery in austere environments

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Call to actions

  • Intitulé du programme
    Interuniversity Certificate in Humanitarian surgery in austere environments
  • mnémonique du programme
  • Programme organisé par
    • Centre de Formation Continue en Santé et Sciences de la vie
    • Faculté de Médecine
  • Type de titre
    formation continue
  • Accessible en reprise d'études
  • Type d'horaire
    En journée
  • Langues d'enseignement
  • Durée de la formation
    moyenne (6 à 15 jours)
  • Catégorie / Thématique
    Santé - Sciences médicales



Informations générales

Type de titre

formation continue

Durée de la formation

moyenne (6 à 15 jours)

Langue(s) d'enseignement


Type d'horaire

En journée

Catégorie(s) - Thématique(s)

Santé - Sciences médicales

Faculté(s) et université(s) organisatrice(s) Accessible en reprise d'études


Formation continue


This program is organized in partnership with UCLouvain.
To find out more, click here:  Interuniversity certificate : Humanitarian surgery in austere environments


On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

  • Understand the characteristics and the limits of performing surgery in the austere conditions of humanitarian medicine
  • Become familiar with the medico-surgical skills for the management of war wounds and crush injuries
  • Perform a range of surgical procedures, including management of extremity injuries, trauma, amputations, damage control surgery, and damage control resuscitation
  • Manage obstetric and gynaecological emergencies including knowledge regarding when and how to safely perform a caesarean section
  • Handle the normal range of surgical emergencies affecting a civilian population in resource constrained environments
  • Become familiar with a range of anaesthesia and resuscitation techniques adapted to local conditions and basic equipment available
  • Make resource based triage decisions
  • Recognize the different sources of stress in austere environments, recognize symptoms of stress, and know the different coping mechanisms to deal with the stress
  • Know the prerequisites to perform quality surgery in austere settings (infrastructure, logistics, basic labs, blood transfusion, water and energy requirements)
  • Manage intercultural and safety/security issues

Calendrier & inscriptions

Calendrier & inscriptions

This program is organized in partnership with UCLouvain.
To find out more, click here:  Interuniversity certificate : Humanitarian surgery in austere environments


This program is organized in partnership with UCLouvain.
To find out more, click here:  Interuniversity certificate : Humanitarian surgery in austere environments